Sunday, November 26, 2006


What color winter: all about fashionable color of hair

Winter - the most suitable time for experiments with new color of hair. First, there is a remarkable occasion - New year, second, in the winter very much does not suffice all of us of positive emotions and bright colors, and thirdly, hair have already come to the senses after summer solar stress so, are ready to new experiments.

it is always better!
Modern stylists, similar, absolutely agree with the heroine of " the Service novel », consideringthat «it is better ». Anyway, the basic tendency of last years - refusal from monochrome, that is why always a little "dead" color of hair for the benefit of more alive, received or from a combination of locks of a different shade, or to the help of toning hair and a radical zone. The same tendency is kept also by magnificent color blossoms and in a winter season 2006/2007.
it is equally actual both for long hair, and for supershort hairstyles. In fact such way of revival of color, on the one hand, more sparing, and with another allows to address to the hairdresser not each 4-8 weeks, and only once in 2-3 months as growing roots are not appreciable almost.
Depending on effect which you want to receive, it is possible to take advantage of one of four most popular methods in our interiors: with use of a foil, neon , "fragmentary" allocation of separate locks or their blackout. It is considered the most traditional separate locks with the help of a foil, however this method has one "but". To tint the roots, the locks received thus, it is almost impossible. And that the hairdress long time looked accurately, the ambassador roots it is necessary to level all over again color of hair, and then anew to do. And any additional colouring not in the best image affects a condition of hair.

Beauty across
Recently except for already becoming traditional multi-coloured vertical locks the increasing popularity is got with effect easy when the shade of hair on a surface of a hairdress differs from color at roots, so to say « a hair lining ». Such not "vertical", but the "horizontal" way allows to receive very unusual effect of " an internal luminescence » hairdresses. Especially this effect is swept up, if hair at roots are painted in more light or bright color. However, more dark "lining" too can look unusually enough.
Besides colouring in other color кончиков hair is now very fashionable. Thus, according to tendencies of a present winter season, with sharply contrast transitions it is better to not experiment, having limited to a difference in one tone.

Overlook about diversity!
In general, despite of a urgency , diversity in this winter obviously not in favorate. The fashion of a season 2006/2007 differs restraint: here to you and any easy disorder and negligence in a hairdress (that was so actually still more recently) and any diversity in colour. All should be accurate, stylishly and respectably.
How it looks in practice? Approximately here so: the preference is given two or a maximum to three shades where colors contrast not so much, how many successfully supplement each other, emphasizing your individuality and architecture of a hairdress.

Brunettes against blondes
Coming winter - time of brunettes. They in this season on a crest of popularity. Similar, that many stars have felt it beforehand and have already replaced "colour", not wishing to lag behind a fashion. That sudden transformation into brunettes of such cult blondes!
But to replace color is yet all! The winter fashion dictates the laws. So, for brunettes in this season splashes red , muffled, black and dark blue are actual. Even women the extreme - black head of hear should be paid attention all to the same effect brown from roots brown or red shades will be looked супермодно and very much will recover a hairdress.
In general, in this season on a crest of a fashion for brunettes or absolutely dark, almost black, hair, or on the contrary, light enough. The golden mean is not welcomed. By the way, black color is especially effectively looked on enough long and direct hair. To all its other admirers stylists recommend or to clarify a few the ends, or to add more light shade at roots.
If you are not ready to follow the lead yet of stars and to leave light hair, it is necessary to recover their shade even. In the winter 2006/2007 for blondes not striking mix of flickering gold locks is most actual not total, and.
At those who does not carry itself to camps of blondes and brunettes, the choice in this season even more widely and depends only on imagination (yours and the master in interior). For example, chestnut hair can be recovered slightly with the help of easy and light copper shades, and on fair-haired to create hardly perceptible effect of the hair which have burnt out on the sun reminding of already a little overlooked(forgotten) summer.

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