Sunday, November 26, 2006


Programs of restoration of files: best of the best

On the Internet, in that and number and on our portal, not unitary lifted a theme of restoration of files. Actually, there is a whole class of the universal and perfectly working programs distinguished from each other only by a class of application - whether it is necessary for you to restore correspondence on аси or the hard disk polished with a power cable. In this running finishing feature was reached by all participants - be sure, each of these programs will cope with with what it is declared is obliged to consult. I do not specify the reference and the price, as having armed you will quickly find out both these very popular programs, and medicines to them. In the end I shall share with you my subjective impressions and remarks for those who anyhow wants to choose « most most of most most ».
Search and Recover

Let's start with the standard list of the opportunities inherent in the majority of programs of this class: support of the majority of file systems; search files on any device equipped with constant memory; work on portable carriers (you can start a program with cd-dvd and прошерстить the damaged hard; restoration of files after clearing a basket, from the formatted disks, after reinstallation Windows, immediate restoration of messages in Microsoft Outlook, Outlook Express, Netscape Mail, and QUALCOMM Eudora. Restoration of contacts, calendars, problems etc. in MS Outlook. There is a function preview by means of which it is possible to overlook a file, not restoring it (as at its natural kind, and, for special aesthetes, in the hexadecimal coding).

Search and Recover allows to work in two modes: "master" and the user. I shall note, that in the given context "master" are adjustments of the program under "artificial intellect" where it, on ideas, should itself for you all make. In a mode of "master" all most necessary tools are readily available. The "User" mode has a number of differences. You set types of files and their site, specify disk stores. It is necessary to note юзабилетный the interface of the program: various files are allocated with different colors (that is all text files, you, for example, can see on the set color). There is also an opportunity of viewing of all files which are taking place in a good, satisfactory or bad condition.

As a bonus I shall note function of full deleting of files (a method of repeated rewriting) and high, even very much, speed of work.

With help EasyRecovery Professional restoration on a disk more than 300 files of various types including musical MIDI-files, files of a sound recording, films and many other things what the modern user can collide(face) is possible. As a matter of fact, EasyRecovery will consist of the module of restoration of data DataRecovery, the module of restoration of files FileRecovery, the module of diagnostics of disks and the user trying in all it to understand.

The diagnosing part of the program provides: testing of disks and their sections; the detailed information on use of disk space; the information on positions of DIP-switches of disks (through the Internet); creation of a diskette of diagnostics loading version Caldera DR-DOS.

Scanning of a disk, especially big capacity, as against the previous participant of our running, demands considerable time. It is no wonder, that there is an opportunity to stop this process and to remember his condition, to renew scanning later. Testing can be various depth and borrow various time, but also the brief test provides, according to the company, reliability of the diagnosis in 90 %. In the program reading from the controller of a disk of parameters corresponding to technology SMART and the prevention of possible problems with it (only for modern disks) is stipulated.

Restoration of the data probably at different levels, down to serious damage of file system. Summarizing it is possible to conclude, that the program with so rich , can be useful to those of the user which have rigidly mocked at a hard disk and could not restore the lost information other, more high-speed means.
DiskInternals Uneraser

Authors of the program declare, that possess unique technology of restoration of the removed sections on FAT32 in Windows 2000/XP together with their contents. One more difference of the program from other similar utilities consists that at restoration of files in operational systems Windows 2000/XP and in FAT32 not always it is possible to restore them completely. Therefore considered by us files the program restores them in the several variants most suitable on their contents that the user further could define itself what from them is more suitable, and already other means could choose from them the necessary information if the file was restored not completely. (But here archival files to be restored have not wanted. The program did not show them among files in the removed sections.) Specific features of file system NTFS do not allow to define(determine) section in which they were earlier for separate files. Such files are located in general folder Lost files.

Feature of the program as is the opportunity of preservation and the subsequent work with image of a disk. Authors suggest to carry out creation of such image before you will begin restoration of files (especially if quantity of restored files big) and also that there was no destruction of a content of a disk at incorrect actions of the user. It is recommended to create an image of a disk on other logic disks or on network disks. After its creation such image can be connected by the elementary image to the program, and with it it will be possible to work as with a real logic disk.

Very not bad the program behaves in case of restoration of files from beaten disks. Having found out not readable, she(it) will not try to pull out from him the information, and will write down instead of him zero and will pass to the following claster.


Wi-Fi Twins steal the information

Places with wireless networks and rich people of steel the present paradise for hackers. Placing counterfeit points of access near to present they intercept connections and get access to the personal information of people working in wireless networks.

" We shall not see such connections in McDonalds, a little who interested with passwords to MySpace ", - expert Richard Rashing speaks. " Certainly hackers choose such places where them to eat than profit ".

So-called ' evil twin ' recently have been found at the airport, in a waiting room of the first class, in garage which serves expensive machines and as a bonus we offer clients Wi-Fi access in the Internet, at station. Attacks of similar type in part use social engineering and breaking, however the main task - to give out the point of access for safe, to pretend to be legitimate service. Such type of attack receive the increasing distribution. Corporate networks usually reliably close also the user in such structure remains the most vulnerable part.


Bureau of copyrights the USA has allowed to break open DVD and games

Bureau of copyrights the USA has allowed to copy to teachers fragments of DVD-records for use of compilations in the rates. According to the document, indulgences of the law on copyrights also will touch blind which have allowed to use a special software for reading the protected electronic books and owners of mobile phones.

Teachers frequently should use compilations, for example, for drawing up of anthologies and their analysis. It does not contradict the law on copyrights, but manufacturers DVD put protection against copying as such, and its(her) breaking till now was considered as infringement of the law. Film studioes suggested department to limit rights of teachers VHS and other formats without digital locks, but the professorate has not wished to manage bad quality video.

Breaking of the codes protecting electronic books, is resolved blind to use at reading the program for recitation of the text. As to mobile phones though this decision lays outside of educational sphere, patron above a bureau, has allowed to break open the preestablished software limiting access of users to all functions of phone (for example, an output in the Internet only within the framework of services of the prime contract).

Among unusual cases when breaking DRM is recognized legal, there were computer programs and videogames, "iron" for which any more is not issued (to use programs of "master key" in this case it is possible for archival work) or if in them are damaged protective. Also breaking the protective codes menacing to safety is resolved - the case, when used by company Sony BMG Music Entertainment on six millions CDs - copies DRM-system самоустанавливались on a computer is as an example resulted, making its vulnerable for hackers.


With whom to lead a winter vacation: 5 variants

It is not trusted at all, that absolutely soon we can forget a minimum for 10 days about work and arrange to itself completely official New Year's vacation! But with whom will better go to submit mountain-skiing slopes in the Alpes or to frighten deep-water fishes in Red sea? And how to make so that then it was not insulting for aimlessly lead(aimlessly carried out) rest?

Variant the first: with the beloved
If you really like each other, and the decision on where exactly to go, it was accepted without bringing in a victim of own desires, and also without findings-out who and for whom will pay - then 10 days will pass on one breath. And here the concealed insults and constant reproaches « and here if we have gone not to Thailand, and to Maldives … » can kill not only the most romantic rest, but also finish attitudes. Therefore, by the way, psychologists very much advise before finally being defined with a choice of the partner in life - to visit with it to have a rest. Very much much at once becomes clear. By the way, the same psychologists consider, that the maximal effect gives rest during which you completely change surrounding conditions, a way of life and the environment. Proceeding from this the vacation which has been lead(which has been carried out) with the man which and without that borrows all your time and ideas is not the best variant. Besides frequently a result of joint rest becomes not only a pack of photos and amazing sunburn - but also broken about slopes of the Alpes or underwater reeves « a love boat ». However … it can just not a minus, and plus of such vacation. And if the love does not maintain 10-day's rest - means, it simply was not it.

Variant of the second: with family (the husband, children or parents)
Pleasant memoirs after such holiday are possible only if you really feel, that you catastrophically do not have dialogue with most close people on which in everyday vanity simply there is no time and forces. For 10 days you only are once again convinced of an opposite case, that to death have bothered each other. And it, you see, not the best result of holiday! Especially, if to take into account, that you should and communicate with these people further every day. And still, it agrees to change completely all of the same recommendation of psychologists for the period of holiday surrounding conditions, a vacation with family hardly completely will switch off you from a habitual life. But if all of you have decided to have a rest together - to you, probably, it would be desirable and warm and sincere, rather family attitudes. What somewhere vanish in a mad rhythm of our life, turning to the joint momentary decision of household, financial and professional problems. And, besides New year and Christmas is in fact such cosy family holidays!

Variant the third: with the girlfriend
Here all depends on the purpose of trip. If you simply want to be disconnected from problems and to relax - take with yourself the checked most up girlfriend. From what you understand each other from a half-word which easy concerns to your habit on one hour to carry out in soul (and sometimes even to sing in it!), To discuss at night secular gossips from the next glossy magazine, to retell (in the smallest details) the maintenance just посмотренного with you of touching film and to paint nails its loved is delicious. If your plans include joint hunting for men, principles of a choice спутницы will be absolutely others. The main thing here - to not take with yourself for what you will be only greyish background. However, if you a sports long-legged beauty ordinary-looking. Remember, that if you carry out(spend) a vacation with the girlfriend will get acquainted to you easier with the man, also having a rest with the friend. And hardly tastes at two friends can be so diametricallyty. Here, by the way, there is one more subtlety: you with your girlfriend just should like a little bit different types of men. Otherwise hunting (and holiday in general) can end with grandiose quarrel.

Variant the fourth: with the company
The overall objective of such holiday - « to come off on full ». And representations about this separation at all should be approximately identical. An ideal variant - the company incorporated by the general(common) interests (mountain skiing, diving, love to, etc.). Much depends and on structure. Psychologists count optimum two variants: the first - the company free (as a rule, rather young) people which have been not burdened with "половинками" and the obligations, the second - pairs having a little a rest together. If at the company there are both pairs, and "singles", it almost always creates additional intensity. First, the purposes and ways of carrying out of holiday at them almost for certain will be different, and second, such mixed structure frequently leads to to findings-out of attitudes on ground of jealousy (especially after use in common of some drinks without which our person is high-grade to have a rest simply is not able).

Variant the fifth: with new familiar
It is rather new, disputable enough and unusual way of carrying out of holiday. It(he) can be compared with little bit tightened « appointment blindly » new impressions and unexpectedness to you are provided! So, if you have nobody to lead a vacation, and to go one it would not be desirable, it is possible to try very operatively to find to yourself of the satellite, for example, on any decent site of acquaintances. Shortly before New year of those who has come there with the same purpose, for certain will be much. In the end the end, not each person can admit to itself that it(he) cannot find the partner in life himself and is compelled to resort to Internets - acquaintances. And here to searches thus with whom it is simply possible to have a rest, many concern where easier. That similar rest has not ended with disappointment, it is necessary to listen to three advice of psychologists. First, it is necessary to meet the prospective satellite not on the rack of registration at the airport, and beforehand even in general to represent, with whom you should lead 10 days. Second, if you decide to live in one number, it is necessary to understand, that the man regards this step, as a direct hint on possible sex. Also it will be sincerely surprised and angry, if it in your plans, it appears, did not enter. And, thirdly, daring on such unusual rest, it is not necessary to be adjusted, that it will by all means end with the big and light feeling. If it will be so - perfectly! And if is not present - you will simply well lead(will simply well carry out) winter


What color winter: all about fashionable color of hair

Winter - the most suitable time for experiments with new color of hair. First, there is a remarkable occasion - New year, second, in the winter very much does not suffice all of us of positive emotions and bright colors, and thirdly, hair have already come to the senses after summer solar stress so, are ready to new experiments.

it is always better!
Modern stylists, similar, absolutely agree with the heroine of " the Service novel », consideringthat «it is better ». Anyway, the basic tendency of last years - refusal from monochrome, that is why always a little "dead" color of hair for the benefit of more alive, received or from a combination of locks of a different shade, or to the help of toning hair and a radical zone. The same tendency is kept also by magnificent color blossoms and in a winter season 2006/2007.
it is equally actual both for long hair, and for supershort hairstyles. In fact such way of revival of color, on the one hand, more sparing, and with another allows to address to the hairdresser not each 4-8 weeks, and only once in 2-3 months as growing roots are not appreciable almost.
Depending on effect which you want to receive, it is possible to take advantage of one of four most popular methods in our interiors: with use of a foil, neon , "fragmentary" allocation of separate locks or their blackout. It is considered the most traditional separate locks with the help of a foil, however this method has one "but". To tint the roots, the locks received thus, it is almost impossible. And that the hairdress long time looked accurately, the ambassador roots it is necessary to level all over again color of hair, and then anew to do. And any additional colouring not in the best image affects a condition of hair.

Beauty across
Recently except for already becoming traditional multi-coloured vertical locks the increasing popularity is got with effect easy when the shade of hair on a surface of a hairdress differs from color at roots, so to say « a hair lining ». Such not "vertical", but the "horizontal" way allows to receive very unusual effect of " an internal luminescence » hairdresses. Especially this effect is swept up, if hair at roots are painted in more light or bright color. However, more dark "lining" too can look unusually enough.
Besides colouring in other color кончиков hair is now very fashionable. Thus, according to tendencies of a present winter season, with sharply contrast transitions it is better to not experiment, having limited to a difference in one tone.

Overlook about diversity!
In general, despite of a urgency , diversity in this winter obviously not in favorate. The fashion of a season 2006/2007 differs restraint: here to you and any easy disorder and negligence in a hairdress (that was so actually still more recently) and any diversity in colour. All should be accurate, stylishly and respectably.
How it looks in practice? Approximately here so: the preference is given two or a maximum to three shades where colors contrast not so much, how many successfully supplement each other, emphasizing your individuality and architecture of a hairdress.

Brunettes against blondes
Coming winter - time of brunettes. They in this season on a crest of popularity. Similar, that many stars have felt it beforehand and have already replaced "colour", not wishing to lag behind a fashion. That sudden transformation into brunettes of such cult blondes!
But to replace color is yet all! The winter fashion dictates the laws. So, for brunettes in this season splashes red , muffled, black and dark blue are actual. Even women the extreme - black head of hear should be paid attention all to the same effect brown from roots brown or red shades will be looked супермодно and very much will recover a hairdress.
In general, in this season on a crest of a fashion for brunettes or absolutely dark, almost black, hair, or on the contrary, light enough. The golden mean is not welcomed. By the way, black color is especially effectively looked on enough long and direct hair. To all its other admirers stylists recommend or to clarify a few the ends, or to add more light shade at roots.
If you are not ready to follow the lead yet of stars and to leave light hair, it is necessary to recover their shade even. In the winter 2006/2007 for blondes not striking mix of flickering gold locks is most actual not total, and.
At those who does not carry itself to camps of blondes and brunettes, the choice in this season even more widely and depends only on imagination (yours and the master in interior). For example, chestnut hair can be recovered slightly with the help of easy and light copper shades, and on fair-haired to create hardly perceptible effect of the hair which have burnt out on the sun reminding of already a little overlooked(forgotten) summer.


Whether it is time to think about New year?

For Russian

Whether it is time to think about New year?

Already long before New year throwings begin: where to go? And as though to manage to meet it so that then it was not painfully hurt for worthlessly lead holiday? We suggest you some New Year's variants. And suddenly something will approach you?

The Hungarian fairy tale
So, if to gather not in very far edges it is quite good to visit Hungary. At all Russians on hearing lake Balaton. And meanwhile all in six kilometers from him there is without any exaggeration a unique natural phenomenon - the largest in Europe warm lake Heviz. In the summer the temperature of water зашкаливает for a mark in 35 degrees, does not fall below 26-ти in the winter. Therefore practically is not found neither lake fauna, nor flora - they do not love high temperatures. Around of lake reaches 50 га woods that creates a special microclimate. Because of a difference of temperatures between cold winter air and warm water the lake will shroud dense pairs, and you will not feel any discomfort. « Хевиз smokes », - local residents speak in such cases. If on a court yard hardly is lower than zero, open-air will bathe little bit more cool. For those to whom it does not approach, small houses - swimming baths are built. Like the closed mini-pools under a roof.

For New year bathing in lake is отменной exotic. However, really to be improved, it is necessary to arrive on this thermal resort of week on two. Water here completely unusual on a chemical compound. Besides the silt covering a bottom of lake, differs the high maintenance. Experts advise to be treated on a resort to people, suffering frustration of nervous system, infringements of a metabolism, rheumatic pains. Local mineral sources provide with the water assisting at chronic diseases of a gastroenteric path. Good results are given with stay on Хевизе in treatment of barreness and a lot of gynecologic illnesses. However, enough medical subjects. In fact at present we live in an anticipation of a holiday.

You are waited with a new year's eve in a museum - palace column. Can lead it in wine погребке column. In general, графские apartments are provided. The program bright and with especially national colour. In the beginning visitors treat a strong national drink, and as snack offer the well-known Hungarian roll. So modest menu business, naturally, will not be limited. Then there will be rural cold snack, desserts and many - many other things. Take into account, kitchen fat! At midnight a treasured bottle of champagne. And will be treated further with several grades best fault. Hungarians as wine makers. As to an entertainment part here, as a rule, the host is robber Benjar. Strong, kind and beautiful. Like Робин Гуда. It besides also is musical: will play on the national tool, will learn all wishing to dance a czardas. All the night long you will be entertained with a gipsy orchestra. The sky fireworks is exactly at midnight. There is such holiday - about 100 euros, till 12 years it is necessary to pay for the child about half of marked sum. Add on cost of round in view of New Year's margins (650-750 euros). Also do not overlook to postpone a few currency on procedure which will seem paradise pleasure after a rough new year's eve. Speech about massages, aromatherapy, thalassotherapy, etc. If forces will stay, in one of the subsequent days can go on knightly tournament in place Шомеч or to the Hungarian capital. Budapest is magnificent at any time year.

New Year's cruise
Want many impressions, prefer New Year's cruise. For example, to travel by the steam-ship « River the Art » 5 * during which you visit the most beautiful places of Europe - capitals and absolutely small, cosy and picturesque small towns. On a card Amsterdam and Antwerp, Brussels and Gent, Hague and Baden-Baden, Strasbourg and Colmar (the list not full) appear. There is no sense about them to tell, to see them better. And to look, as marks the beginning of the come year Europe. Overland excursions last till some hours. Can walk in the liked city though all the day. However adhere to an iron rule: to departure to not be late. Otherwise anybody will not wait for you, and the arisen transport problems should be solved on own account. A new year's eve nevertheless to carry out by the steam-ship, where all (language of dialogue by the steam-ship - Russian) more comfortably. The invited actors will present the celebratory program. There will be dances, draws, carnaval masks, a beautiful supper at candles and, certainly, a fur-tree. In general, everything as it is necessary! Cruise will pull approximately for 1500 euros. Fluctuations of the price depend on a class of a cabin.

To see Paris and … to meet New year
As always, impetuously pulls Paris. Pensioners, students and state employees prefer bus rounds with the culmination - New year in the most romantic city of the world. It is not necessary to be under a delusion: the restaurant in similar economic rounds is not provided. Thus, on December, 31 you will walk, most likely, on to fields in crowd эйфорически the adjusted tourists who have gathered in this point of a planet from all world. Sensation pleasant, but quickly you get tired. The public transport does not work, a taxi will not catch. It is good, if your hotel near to the center. Will vigorously reach on foot a time shelter and in number, in a good company of compatriots, will note a holiday. The truth for this purpose and drinks is necessary to buy snack beforehand. It is possible to reserve, certainly, places at restaurant. It should be made beforehand, in Moscow. And to postpone for action a round sum. New year in Paris, all the same!

The grandfather the Frost on a beach
Want heat, turquoise water, gold sand, palm trees? And any snow. Then head, for example, for Maldives (7-8 thousand dollars for two in five-stars hotel). With visas of problems is not present. Weather in December - January fine. Neither rains, nor scorching heat. Average temperature of air - 28 degrees, waters - 24. Under the statement of experts, on Maldives the best diving in the world and fantastic beauty the underwater world. The archipelago includes about huge quantity(amount) of coral islands from which the tenth part is populated only. And on each island - the firm hotel. Hotels magnificent. From a bungalow and the water country houses which have peacefully settled down on piles directly in the middle exhausting.

The information for fans to consume on rest hot. In the country profess an islam. Clearly, why the use of alcohol in public places (outside of a resort zone) is forbidden. In shops alcohol you will not buy, it is sold only at restaurants. The bottle of champagne costs not less than 150 dollars. To not have problems with local authorities, adhere to simple rules. For example, going for walk, postpone blinkers and stop a choice on long trousers or moderate length to a skirt. Cover shoulders. And in general, behave modestly. Nudists here to spirit do not transfer. Even on most like deserted irelands it would be strictly forbidden to bathe naked. Will notice and will severely call to the order.

The opportunity to not see in the hotel practically anybody, except for smiling, polite and silent representatives of the attendants is given fans of a solitude. Here in fact the solvent businessmen tired of numerous contacts and an intense rhythm of megacities arrive. Thus, on one of coral islands it is possible to meet the most silent New year in the life. And with the great pleasure to recollect it in the future, under fight of a chiming clock, somewhere under a snow-covered fur-tree on a situated near Moscow summer residence.


Secrets of cosmetic shopping

Whether it is possible to save on own beauty? Someone confidently answers "is not present" and prefers to use only the most dear cosmetics, and for someone the name of firm absolutely means nothing, and the choice always does of two lipsticks for the benefit of cheaper. One collect the whole collection, others manage one - two means. Who in this case is right?

The majority of modern women any more do not represent the life without decorative cosmetics. However such situation is for certain familiar to you: your toilet little table bursts with infinite quantity of cosmetic means for which a great lot of money is spent, and still something does not suffice you. In what put? It appears, purchase of cosmetics is almost art and you simply do not own him(it)! If you have doubts in validity of this statement, try to answer the following questions:

Whether • It was possible to you to buy a voice-frequency cream, whose shade in shop of you quite arranged, and on the person turned to a mask “ the leader red-skinned ”?
Whether • you Got the ink praised by the girlfriend for eyelashes which caused in you a terrible allergy?
Whether • you Were tempted with advertising promises about humidifying action of superproof lipstick therefore your lips became even drier and started to be shelled?
Whether • you Fell in love with magnificent and fashionable shades of eye shadow which how it was found out, to you do not go at all and are not in harmony on color with one of your orders?
• And whether, at last, it was necessary to you to buy not so dear nail polish, and then with surprise to be convinced, what it keeps on nails and looks not worse at all bought before superexpensive?

If even you have answered some questions in the affirmative, the information which we want to share with you means, for you will be very actual. So, in what art of a choice of decorative cosmetics will consist? Probably in how correctly to make own palette of necessary means with the minimal financial expenses. It at all does not mean, that it is necessary to you manages the poor set consisting, besides, from cheap production to anybody of unknown firms. Just it to do in no event it is impossible! But it appears there are ways as it is possible to save money and thus to be confident, that you use only the most qualitative cosmetics. We shall start with several general advice

1. Before going to shop, lead strict audit of the cosmetic stocks. If you will find out, that working life of a voice-frequency cream has very long time ago expired, from a favourite pencil there was a small bit, and the varnish or ink have hopelessly dried up, расстаньтесь with them without a regret. Then closely study the stayed cosmetics and precisely formulate, what exactly does not suffice you.

2. Choosing in shop any decorative cosmetics, be convinced, that its shade approaches you. For this purpose try it on a leather and estimate, as it will look not only at artificial, but also at natural illumination. Only then you will be completely insured from unsuccessful purchase. This advice concerns at all only to powder, a voice-frequency cream or lipstick, but even to eye shadow which in a box always look much more brightly, than on a leather. Frequently we are mistaken and at purchase of a varnish, estimating a saturation of color and not having tried it on a nail. Alas, it is far from being in all shops to you will allow to test on itself all liked cosmetics. For this reason try to make purchases in firm departments where such services are necessarily stipulated, and there are special stands with samplers. If it is impossible, better in general to leave instead of to buy “ a cat in a bag ”.

3. Extra care at purchase of cosmetics should be shown, if you have propensity to an allergy. In this case the probability of purchase improper to you of means is very high. Before to buy, for example, ink or a voice-frequency cream, be convinced, that they do not cause in you irritation and hypostases.

4. Never choose cosmetics, proceeding from the packing which have liked you as it is far from being always its appearance corresponds to the maintenance. Inside very beautiful box can be, let even good means, but to you at all not suitable. Besides despite of the international interdiction, many firms place small capacity with means in obviously big packing that can confuse you concerning its real volume and cost.

5. If you will closely analyse shades of lipstick or eye shadow which at you already are for certain will find among them much enough similar. Simply you have bought something, because you very much want, something ideally approaches to your dress, and you have seen something in magazine. However such same purchases are absolutely senseless. And here if at imposing a make-up you show even a few imaginations and art abilities, that, for example, having learned to mix shadows of several base colors, you can receive uncountable quantity of shades. The same result can be achieved, combining different colors of lipstick (to do it more conveniently by a brush) or to use unique, but changing shades of a pencil for lips (which will cost for you much more cheaply, than new lipstick). Having mastered these simple receptions, you can save essentially, first, and second, to dare to buy instead of 3-4 means one more expensive and qualitative.

6. Very much frequently we receive "unsuccessful" cosmetics in a gift from our friends and girlfriends. In due course at you the whole collection improper on color or blush causing an allergy, varnishes, ink and voice-frequency creams can gather. It is quite natural, in fact each of us has favourite firms and shades about which others can simply not know. And why to not educate them? Certainly, to do it it is necessary in the extremely unostentatious form, between times having mentioned about the unusual name of lipstick remembered to you or, having mentioned the conservatism to cite as an example favourite cosmetic firm, which fidelity you store many years.

And now we shall talk about on what means it is possible to save, and what are necessary for buying in spite of on any expenses. At once we shall make a reservation, that we mean production of the firms which are letting out(are releasing) qualitative mass cosmetics which passes obligatory quality check (for example L'Oreal, Max Factor, Maybelline, Nivea, Lakme, Lumene, Yves Rocher, etc.) under inexpensive means. Well and that such the expensive cosmetics - probably to explain you is not necessary! As if to cosmetic production of manufacture to anybody of unknown firms, which is sold in stalls or in the markets to use her we do not advise you not at what situation. It is better to do without cosmetics in general!

Voice-frequency cream
The first and main on what it is not necessary to save is a voice-frequency cream. It creates a general impression about a make-up and in case of any errors can destroy the image thought over by you completely. An ideal leather units from us, alas, possess, the rests should study to use cosmetics. Here the basic advantages which expensive and qualitative voice-frequency creams possess:
• care of a skin (protection against solar beams, a feed and humidifying);
• regulation of fatty greasing and maintenance of ideal dullness of a skin;
• ease, a transparency and impalpability on a skin;
• alignment and improvements of complexion due to included in their structure to micropigments which provide "luminescence" of a leather and высветсяют its roughnesses and roughness;
• absence of spots from a cream on clothes.
Cheaper means, as a rule, possess only some of the listed qualities. Besides as against the majority of other means, the voice-frequency cream is in direct contact to a leather(skin) that is why frequently causes an allergy or other unpleasant sensations. One more advantage of expensive firms is wider spectrum of shades and presence at departments where such cosmetics is sold, the advisers, always ready to help you to pick up suitable means.

The same recommendations can be attributed and to various kinds of powder. As well as the voice-frequency cream, expensive powder possesses effect and gives to a skin a tremendous shining kind at any illumination. Besides the firms which are letting out(are releasing) mass cosmetics, as a rule, have no transparent powders without which it is impossible to make absolutely natural and natural make-up. Remember and that if the most part of your cosmetics usually remains at home, compact powder should be used any time during day to correct a make-up or simply to look at itself in a pocket mirror. And the beautiful powder box concerns to those trifles which define style and its(her) status women.

Proof-readers do not save on proof-readers, it is especial on what are used for masking circles under eyes. First, the gentle leather on these sites is especially sensitive, is more subject to an allergy and requires more careful leaving. Second, qualitative proof-readers of last generation contain all same substances which not only mask bruises and circles under eyes, but also do imperceptible fine. And here less qualitative means can to emphasize them, on the contrary. The proof-readers used for masking spots, should possess also bactericidal properties, that too it happens basically at known and expensive firms.

Eye shadow
All decorative cosmetics which is rendered on area around of eyes, should be very much high quality. This rule concerns, first of all, to eye shadow. Except for that expensive shadows possess more gentle structure, keep longer and are not rolled in skin in one hour after drawing. Besides they contain less than the harmful components, capable to cause an allergy.

Ink for eyelashes
Buying ink for eyelashes it is necessary to find "golden mean". On the one hand, she not necessarily should be very expensive, in fact in any case of her it is necessary to change each 4-6 months on reasons of hygiene. There is enough, that it was not showered and not smeared under eyes, making you similar to the panda. But on the other hand, ink is on the first place among all means of decorative cosmetics on frequency of occurrence of allergic reactions. Unfortunately, sometimes it occurs even to production of elite firms. Therefore, it is better to use only the checked up means.

Lipstick and planimetric pencil
Cost of these means also depends only on opportunities of your purse. Certainly, the certain difference between road and not so lipstick is, but it is essentially less, than a difference in the price. If to learn to paint correctly lips, it is possible to achieve tremendous effect and with the help enough modest means. For this purpose all over again take advantage of humidifying balm, then lead round a pencil a contour and shade with him(it) all surface of lips. After that with the help of a brush put lipstick. Get wet napkin, wait a little and put one more layer. To give to lips the big expressiveness to you shine, which set of variants you will help can find at any firm.

Quality of blush and, hence their cost too are not of great importance as they are rendered atop of other means and directly do not adjoin to a leather. It is possible to replace with their powder with a shade of sunburn.

Nail polish
Stability and speed of drying of a varnish practically do not depend on its cost. Basically, it is possible to use any varnish if preliminary to put a basis that nails have not turned yellow, and then to take advantage of a fixer providing its stability.

Observing all stated than a rule you higher can to spend maximum reasonably than money and to receive a full set of means really necessary for you. However sometimes any woman would like to make absolutely senseless, rash and irrational act and to buy a bright - green varnish, orange lipstick or shadows of lilac color. During such moments we advise you to forget about all our advice and it is courageous to follow it a little bit to mad impulses! As a rule, to take advantage of such cosmetics it is more than once to you it will not be possible also remain on a toilet little table, as a reminder on your small whim. And let it will be the most mad act in your life!


Country furniture: from country up to avant guarde

There leave in the past those times when for a summer residence we did not buy new furniture, and have taken the subjects which have served from a "city" interior. Frequently they did not approach for the weakened life near to the nature, not helping, and preventing
To have a rest. The modern furniture for a country house will help you to replace conditions, to relax and distract from city vanity.

The country furniture all kind should embody charm of a country life, the simple and close nature where there is no place to eternal city vanity and problems. Therefore in a country variant of an interior it is not necessary to search for a special variety of forms: on the nature should have a rest not only a body, but also sight. Materials are selected basically natural: a tree , fancifully bent , sometimes, practical plastic. Though frequently these subjects are created any more by hands of the joiner or the smith, and with the help of innovative technologies, for example, metal laces the laser, and an authentic arrangement " traces from " analyzes a computer. But value of feelings and tactile sensations from a touch to a "natural" thing remains
Still invaluable.

To get into trouble
The wum furniture is good that is executed from natural, is maximum materials close to the ground. It, at first sight, very plain things. Actually wum chairs or armchairs only look very simple, technologies used at their creation can be rather complex.
Once manual weaving was popular almost everywhere - from Ancient Egypt up to Russia. Thus made the most different things - from fine household subjects and furniture up to the whole houses. And from that time we appreciate wum furniture not only for external simplicity and durability, but also for ease. Such subjects are very convenient for transporting from a place on a place, they do not demand special efforts on переноске, on storage. From a colonial epoch the love to furniture, wum not from a local tree (a hazel grove or a willow), and from exotic - a material, which has got to us and
To this day it is considered the most suitable for these purposes.
Scientific progress has brought in the contribution to business of weaving: at the end of XX century the wum furniture from artificial materials, for example fibres has appeared. All natural
Materials of which today make to count up rather difficultly. The most known are a reed, раттан, the willow rod, and in fact is still манильская hemp a water hyacinth, jute and sizal, a fibre of a coco,
Maize and a palm tree.

Enough widespread kind of weaving - as it is strange, from a paper. Plait, actually, not absolutely from a paper, and from a paper cord in which middle there is a wire - she carries out a role of armature. The cord in a natural kind is very similar to a usual twine, but it is possible and to paint her. A finished article cover special it is delicious, and it serves long and thus is not afraid of a moisture. But the main thing, what things turn out easy, and what is necessary for mobile country furniture?

Breed you will not spoil
The material "checked most up" in our breadthes just for decoration - wood. Also it is not necessary to think, that simple the furniture is popular only in Russia with its love to village. All world, having got a bit tired from hi-tech city interiors to aspire to the nature. Even with the help of purchase of wooden furniture in which natural advantages are obvious: amazing figure on beauty, a warm surface, easy wood aroma.
But if at us (and at Englishmen) as a whole prefer to put a country house or in a garden thorough "country" tables, a bench, benches and stools in the Western Europe prefer more noble under forms to the Mediterranean variant. It is especially loved frequently skilfully состаренная furniture with decorative attritions, traces, put on special technology. And all this laborious work furniture is carried out only that these subjects seem for a long time familiar, as if getting to us by right of succession family values; that them stored as a family relic and carefully handed down to children and grandsons.

All in ok
Though shaped or from metal subjects can be rather heavy, it stops nobody before purchase the furniture, in fact the things created frequently to order are ideally adjusted under the future owner. Besides it is difficult to think up more suitable "scenery" for a romantic sit-round gathering in a garden or on a verandah, than openwork armchairs or screens.
Besides traditional "black" ковки such furniture can have any color. Frequently metal cover with gilding (special напылением or a paint) which not only is decorative, but also protects a surface from corrosion.
Manual always it is possible to distinguish from moulding or the bent rod: on hand-worked metal remain hardly appreciable, pleasant to an eye of roughness. But completely to trust this "formal" attribute does not cost, the technology of imitation has reached and up to ковки. Today metal, pickling an acid, with the help of powder paints, render a nickel or brass covering - so the effect of silver or gold is created.

Vinylic jungle
Active appeals "green" to save natural resources of a planet find the response among the conscious designers even more often working with modern plastics. And it is easily explainable: plastic - the unconditional champion among materials on imitation. It can "pretend" to a tree, a marble, glass, metal, and the deceit will open, only when you up to him will touch. It is no wonder, that to plastic furniture long concerned as to the cheap fake compensating absence of the expensive present. Especially if to recollect, that artificial materials have started to develop roughly after war when it was necessary to adjust quickly a life, that is from poverty.

Today plastics are appreciated for own appearance. For bright colors, ease and the improbable plasticity, allowing to give to furniture any form. They have added in durability (do not cave in and not so strongly burn out under the sun), became ecologically safe (now they can be processed again similarly to a paper or metal). That remained - so it is democratic character, in fact plastic does(makes) high design accessible. Surfaces were complicated, have become covered by prints and laser figures, look very fashionably and very dearly. But even sign for a history of modern design plastic armchair LOUIS GHOST, Kaertell, or something, from thought up by Filipom Stark, it is possible to buy for quite terrestrial money.


Men and the woman: hormones it is more important than a brain!

Scientists for a long time have paid attention to a difference between a physiological and mental component of a brain of the man and the woman. Using modern means and carrying out experiences above animals, researchers diligently try to explain causes and effects of such difference. It is known, that the man's brain is more and more hardly (on the average on 100 g), than female. In part it speaks that men as a whole weigh more, than women. But women compensate such difference in volume presence of more advanced communications between cells of a brain due to what do a little has put simultaneously. It confirms also scanning of a brain which has shown, that at the decision of the problems concerning verbal skills and abilities to be guided in space, at women some sites of a brain, as against men are activated at once. And process of storing of the information at women occurs at use of different kinds of codings of the information, i.e. is arranged more completely.
German scientists of one of universities in Bonn have confirmed recently an established fact, that at men verbal skills are supervised by the left hemisphere of a brain. At damage of this area of a brain it is more complex to men to restore ability to talk, than to women. And as a whole, due to the unequal device of the brain device, the girl start to talk in the childhood earlier and further speak more, than men.
For a long time it is noticed, that there is a difference and in "preferred" illnesses and a degree of weight of their course at different floors. Women suffer from depression twice more often, than men, but at presence of more serious intellectual deviations, for example schizophrenia, they suffer smaller infringement of thought process, than the man.
Certainly, exists also some difference in volumes of various areas of a brain at floors. But as a whole, scientists emphasize, that the basic difference between men and to women consists not in the device and work of a brain. Apparently in all hormones, in particular testosteron are guilty. The experience which has been lead(which has been carried out) on mice, has shown, that if to enter this hormone into an organism right after birthes the brain will start to develop under the "man's" circuit, irrespective of a floor kid. Though experiences were carried out only on animals evertheless they allow the basis to believe what exactly this hormone dictates the basic distinctions in physiology, and, hence, and in behavioural skills of men and women.


Create the Brain On Billion Dollars!

Buddhist monks practise such exercise. They spend many years to combine a complex and beautiful picture from multi-coloured sand. Then, when the picture is ready, they it, destroying result of own titanic work. In their picture of the world such work which is not leaving after any result, is way to achieve any new spiritual heights. In what it is possible to admire with these people, however hardly you meaningly try to imitate these monks in your work, whether not so?

Whether but we are engaged, usual rational and practical people, very much frequently absolutely same? I assure you, that the similar approach to work at usual people at all is not a rarity. Here only these people can, as against Buddhist monks, not give themselves in it the report.

Recently I listened to record of a teleseminar of one known and successful Internet - businessman. I very much respect this person, but all his one statement has caused in me sharp feeling of the protest. And it has told that it counts Internet - business more " heavy and intense " work, than work at the machine tool. On his own recognition, it practically constantly worked last year since morning till late night without interruption for a dinner (and it at all at the initial stage of development of business!). To most this person of his word, probably, seem a parameter of his gravity and will power. I think, it is convinced, what exactly his ability to work as years on a limit of endurance - that quality which does by his(its) successful businessman.

I am engaged in Internet - commerce and I can tell, that at me all was at all so. Almost from the very beginning I worked in area of 2 hours per day and any " a shaft of work " did not notice. Also, almost at once I started to receive profit which constantly grew. (Certainly, in it I was helped by knowledge of some psychological cunnings, for example - what are stated in the report " Create the Brain On Billion Dollars! "

And in general I do not like this word "work". I did not work. Last time when I worked, was the last summer at factory on manufacture. Since then I never did anything, that it would be possible to define a word "work".
Certainly, it brought money, and In THIS SENSE was work. But I never did something, that would demand efforts above myself, patiences, self-discipline and the similar qualities necessary for performance of actions UNPLEASANT or HUMILIATING. It is possible to tell, that I was engaged in the hobby. On the average it borrowed 2 hours per day, on the days off - hardly it is more (yes I could not wait the days off that it is more time to give hobby!).

Now there is a question. That has enabled me to do so a little and thus to enjoy results obviously "above the average".
Here the small help. In the work I was not engaged in creation of sand pictures which I am going to dispel downwind. I always had many free time. This free time allowed me to estimate importance of all has put, and to make only what can bring really big feedback.

It is impossible, if you work all day long. In that case at you never will be opportunities to stop and choose productive affairs. You will do all successively, and on theories of probability, the most part of time you, most likely, will spend for absolutely useless affairs. I think, you heard about a principle 20/80. I remind: 20 % of actions bring 80 % of results. And now consider, what your chances to make these of 20 % has put, if you catch at all successively.
By the way, here an interesting detail. The standard working day makes 8 hours. 20 % from 8 o'clock are even less, than 2 hours. It is possible to tell, that it - theoretical acknowledgement of my practical experience. And know one more interesting fact? To work is PSYCHOLOGICALLY MUCH MORE DIFFICULTLY a little, than to work it is a lot of.

The matter is that work gives us some simplification. She distracts us from the current problems and fears. She inspires us confidence of success. Even if she does not bring real results, she always creates at us SENSATION of these results.
And try to do nothing. In your head gloomy ideas at once will start to creep in. You will think that your business slides in a precipice. You even will feel feeling of fault that do not work, and subconsciously to expect, that certain maximum forces of you for it will punish.
Besides to stop to work and the rate - too it is always very difficult. To work inertia is peculiar. If you have started to work, cannot stop, even if feel like awfully and do something at all not connected with your current problems.

Many people consider, that the big diligence and huge volumes of daily made work naturally lead to to success. It is well, ready to recognize - probably, it is valid so. But here only such way always appears very long and inefficient.
If instead of that it is stupid " to work much ", the person carefully chose really important affairs and more often reconsidered the rate of movement - it would reach absolutely the same results at 5-10 times faster. Decide, that for you it is more important - illusory feeling of comfort and own importance which are brought with heavy wearisome work, or results which can be at times achieved by a minimum of efforts. Very much frequently in a life it is necessary to choose either one, or another.
Knowingly John D.Rockefeller has told once: " who all the day long works, it is no time to that earn money ". About the author: Andrey Beljakov - the expert in the field of the universal laws managing human prosperity in business and a life. To learn(find out) it is more about these laws and how to use them in your life,


Manufacture of a mirror bar

I bring to your attention a way of manufacture of a mirror bar for painting and decorating...

One time we were engaged in furnish of premises(rooms). And somehow time to us has addressed one customer with imagination and has ordered furnish of a wall and a ceiling a smooth surface. We have visited on a factory on manufacture of a glass, came into mirror shop (it was easier to go on territory earlier), have bought mirrors, have communicated to workers, have observed manufacture and have understood, that we can quite engage in it and.

Above this project on manufacture of a mirror bar we worked in the beginning of the ninetieth years and did not know the equal account anything about manufacture of the given kind of a product, except for one - we have been convinced, that it will have demand and, finally, - were not mistaken.

It has been spent a lot of time for studying of experience of the profile enterprises and working off of all work cycle. We have developed all necessary equipment and have collected independently though all is possible and to buy. Now this manufacture any more is not our basic employment but till now is profitable and brings quite good incomes (profit 3500-5000 $ in a month depending on demand), even with the account enough high wages of the personnel.

How to make such bar?
All process consists that it is necessary to buy ready mirror sheets or a mirror breakage, or to master independently drawing of a mirror layer on glass. To decide to you. Further it is necessary to cut the got raw material on bars of the necessary size (150 х 150, etc.). To process edges of a cut on a circle and for addition, if necessary, to put or fill figure. That's all. Profitability can be finished easily with 100 % and is higher due to an operational experience. And to increase volumes of manufacture, using the special equipment. We copied the technology used at factories on manufacture of mirrors. But, certainly it was necessary to adapt seen for small business and in view of use of accessible materials for manufacturing the equipment. Are convinced, that this kind of activity is accessible to anyone.

What is required for manufacture?
For cutting mirrors the table and is required. For processing the parties of a ready bar it is necessary a circle (better - the machine tool). And the compressor is necessary for stuffing figure on 2-3 A.Risunok jams due to submission of sand under pressure upon a surface flew down. For this purpose the cliche (the piece of linoleum will approach also) is made. It is possible, certainly, and to manage a paint, but nevertheless filled figure more gracefully looks. For the compressor we tried even the compressor from an industrial refrigerator, to get which more cheaply, and have been satisfied with work, the truth, with it to reach high efficiency more difficultly.

Productivity of work
Millions here, certainly, you will not earn, but to provide to yourself own business quite probably. I firstly made ONE a month of such bar prior to 150 sq.m. Then us invited to issue a room our production, that else additional paid work. I do not know, what prices at you, but I buy mirrors on 350-400 roubles for sq.m. and I sell a bar for 750-800 roubles for sq.m. Here also consider. Not I have thought up the price - such is generated by the market.

Production, certainly, not from cheap, but on it is the buyer. And even people with an average prosperity willingly order on 1,5-2 sq.m. for bathrooms. The mirror is expanded in general with volume of a premise and a strip along a bath from such bar does(makes) fine design.

Where such bar is applied?
It buy for furnish of bathrooms, businessmen order for furnish of trading halls, show-windows, foyer of buildings, etc. Works will be, since the design of a premise becomes really original, besides order not only a bar, and frequently and ask to issue a premise that is pay also for work.


Difference in the age of: advantage or an obstacle?

The present love, as is known, does not choose. She suddenly grows before us in all completeness and declares: here I, whether am ready to devote you to me the life?

And, apparently, all develops how you expect - and he loves you, both you of him, and are very good to you together.

However surrounding people, wishing to you in eyes of a long and happy life, behind a back for some reason whisper, glancing at your pair.

The reason for this is simple: at you too big difference in the age of.

All six-milliard mankind cannot be adjusted under one comb. Among numerous pairs in which the husband and the wife almost, meet the unions a difference in 15, 20, 30 and even 40 years. Unusual families, certainly, draw attention of the public - all interestingly, " as at them there ".

If your elect it is appreciable is more senior or that is younger than you, for certain, you collided not time with similar curiosity. And, probably, asked to itself a question: " and whether correctly I have acted having connected the life with this person? ".

Certainly, if you are absolutely sure in the feelings and in the partner and you the another's opinion on this question does not worry is is healthy. In fact nobody has rights to supervise our private life, to specify, that is correct, and that - is not present. But if all in attitudes like well, and you doubts then not bad to understand: whether it is necessary to make the final decision? We shall consider some the widespread cases:

1. She is a young girl till 25 years, to him - from 40 and more

It most frequently a meeting variant. Solid, taken place the man easily wins heart of young lady. She feels like near to him comfortably - in fact the partner has got not only material stability and a social status, but also rich life experience. Frequently it is the mature and wise person who actually is ready to give you all best.

Between you - full spiritual and sexual harmony (in fact you have not come yet in пору "peak" of the needs, and he has already was above age when satisfaction in intimate sphere is defined by quantity of sexual certificates). It is fine, if all really occurs so. But and if something you all the same guards - probably, a situation in itself the following dangers:

First, the girl to whom the partner gives a "ready" financial position and the social status risks to set aside on the second plan own personal and professional development. Such happens, if she searches for protection and a support (frequently it happens with girls who have grown without the father - they try to compensate lack of fatherly attention, meeting men is much more senior) in the partner. If you accept such situation is your choice. But it is not necessary " to be dissolved in the partner " and to overlook about itself.

It is wonderful, if ithe supports all your undertakings - means, he actually sincerely loves you and cares of your development. If he gives you money for clothes, service of the cosmetician, the masseur, etc., but it is not pleasant to him, that you will spend(will see off) time for work or in institute, moreover in addition go on rates or meet the friends - think three times, whether it is necessary to continue attitudes. In fact many wives of rich people suffer that they live, similarly to birdies in a gold cell thoughtlessly having sold once freedom and independence.

Second, be cautious, if he gives too big attention to sex and "has already got" you, and except for this theme of you a little that connects. Most likely, this the man has deep sexual problems and uses you for self-affirmation. Such attitudes have no anything the general with love - and once come to an end, not leaving any positive memoirs.

If at him was (or is) the wife of his age, that, probably, he is afraid of changes occuring to her - for example, she starts to become is similar to his mother whom he so was afraid in the childhood. In that case he simply searches in you for a refuge from the internal complexes. This crisis is usually shown at men about 42th years and, as a rule, lasts year two then the person is switched to a social life, work, self-improvement - or starts to grow old and turn to the gloomy loser on the sly. So hardly these attitudes become stable and harmonious.

2. She is a mature woman, he - still practically the young man

It too can be met quite often. Such attitudes have the importance for both: the tireless partner is necessary for the woman who has come during mature sexuality. In turn, she can learn the young man to art of love and vital wisdom, and also support him financially, to help to borrow the corresponding status in a society.

It is wonderful, if such pair lives in trust the consent, not paying attention to leisure conversations and slanting sights. However sometimes in the similar unions there are reefs:

The woman having the young partner, can feel constant fear of that he sooner or later he will leave her. Unfortunately, experience shows, that it occurs enough frequently, in fact the man, becoming psychologically mature, can want to create family, to have children - and each woman of 35-45 years is far from being will dare to give birth the child. Therefore he chooses younger wife.

If with you there was a similar situation, that main thing - to manage really to releasethe partner from itself, to go through this pain and to leave her. In any case, it is important for you to remember: you are not become worse than that your younger the man has thrown you. You are still fine, ready to give people love and happiness, firmly stand on legs and are developed as the person.

It happens and so, that the young man frankly mounts upon a neck to the skilled and solvent woman, using, for example, her dependence on sex. If you have got in such situation, first of all realize, that actually occurs. In fact, accepting strategy of " careful and providing mum ", you and itself, and the young guy who lives with you, actually does not become the adult, does not study to care of itself and especially about the woman, which near to him.

Having taken everything, that is possible, at you, he, most likely, will sometime find to itself following "mum". So the first, that it is necessary to make is to refuse strategy of "mummy" even if for this purpose it is required to go on break. Well and is farther - the deep analysis of own dependences and vital priorities, search of the new employment of interests not connected to sex - and you will see, that the life begins much the richman, and in one fine day you will meet rather worthy the man.

3. Both partners - mature persons, but one are much more senior

In this situation, certainly, to judge it is impossible. When two mature persons conclude the union most likely, between them rather spiritual attitudes harmony and mutual understanding were established. Here the difference in the age of valid does not play any role. And if to not consider pair which marry for the sake of the decision of a housing question or conducting joint business for the others it is possible to be glad sincerely: the opinion of associates really is no important for them, in fact these people actually appreciate each other and enjoy love and happiness.

To what from considered above your case would belong, remember: the choice in any case remains for you, and anybody - neither friends, nor relatives, public opinion has no right to supervise over your own life. Be wise - and then you actually will be rather happy with that whom you have selected


Possessed by love: tell to itself " Stop! "

Probably, each woman though time in a life collides with such situation when she or its close girlfriend up to such degree has been absorbed by love to other person that could not conduct a normal life.

And it is absolutely uneasy, having got in such binding to recollect, that you have pride and to tell to itself: " Everything, will suffice! Stop! ".

At first sight, all seems clear - who from us did not fall in love. A sleeplessness, infinite expectation of phone call, impossibility to think about something the friend, except for him...

It can proceed week, month, and sometimes and years. And suddenly you find out, that own life has started moving under a slope - all friends and relatives for a long time are forgotten, on work dismissal threatens - in fact you are not capable to concentrate even on the most simple problems, houses flaunt mountains of dirty utensils and dirty linen... You come to life, bring in the order of and the apartment only before His arrival and if it suddenly will call you, you are ready to run though on edge of light.

If you accept such life - perfectly. But if you feel, that there is something not that, means, it is time to understand thoroughly a situation and to admit to itself that you HAVE GOT IN DEPENDENCE. And for this purpose it is necessary to leave some myths.

1. In love always should be together

People, which main slogan - " with loved do not leave ", test deep depression every time when small separation is necessary even. They think out various shifts to not release(not let off) the partner in time for work, call on hundred times day, do not allow him to carry out a free time with friends or to be engaged in a favourite hobby. The some people supervise each step of the partner even within the limits of an apartment, not releasing(not letting off) him in a toilet or in bathing, using thus gentle whisper: " do not leave me " or terribly inquiring: " you where? ". Such people usually speak: " I cannot live without my beloved, in fact I so love him! ".

Actually, if you so feel and act, it is necessary to recognize: it at all love. If it seems to you, that you love Him above all and will die, if he will throw you, it refers to as much more unpleasant word: PARASITISM. If other person is necessary for a survival for you, means, you on him parasitize, use (him in the purposes because you need at presence and attention. In such attitudes nobody is free - neither you, nor the partner, and anybody from you cannot choose, as to him to build the life.

And the love is always an opportunity of a free choice when two persons are quite capable to do without the friend the friend, but have chosen a joint life.

2. Without loved the life is not lovely

Presence of dependence directly specifies inability to test completeness of a life and correctly to operate without care and trusteeship on the part of the partner. Certainly, each of us has certain need depending on others, in fact all of us are people and are connected among themselves by attitudes. Each person, even most adult and independent all the same from time to time requires heat and caress. To wish, that you loved and showed care - normally. It is bad, when this need eclipses all others. And it is absolutely bad, when so that the partner has paid to you attention, you are ready on any victims, down to humiliation.

When the person so strongly tries to become loved it similarly to a bottomless hole with which it is impossible to fill. The loneliness in such situation is simply intolerable - in fact, considering, that you do not have not enough loved, you actually do not recognize, that you do not have not enough HERSELF.

3. The love is a self-sacrifice

Certainly, when we love other person are ready to make for him very much much. But at all to the detriment of own interests. When two are free and independent, each of them can refuse the request of another, easy having explained to the partner why at present it is impossible and having offered the variant of development of a situation. It also is cooperation at which people are sure in themselves and in each other and know, that the partner correctly will understand and not begins to take offence. If you, having spat on the duties before yourself and others, like mad rush to it from fear, that if you will give up more never will invite - you, definitely, it is necessary to become more confident and independent.

It is possible to result still set of erroneous ideas - such as " he should meet all my desires ", " he should belong entirely to me ", " I do not feel high-grade without him ", etc. In any case, dependence is only a substitute of love, and by and large - antilove. The original love consists that two people support each other, protect and are pleased, respect and accept "separateness" the partner, and also promote personal growth and a maturity of everyone.

What to do, if you all the same want to get rid of obsession love?

First of all, fairly definein what you are concrete from loved- even if you really think the most important, that cannot live, admit without him(it) it to yourself. Probably, you like his care (he unique in the world who is capable to take care of you), sex (he is the best lover whom you met ever), money (he provides you), the help on the house (he on all hands the master), the machine (you like that he delivered you even there where it is possible to reach for 5 minutes), etc.

And now present, that this person is not present in your life more. Only be not thrown in a panic - in fact you will not die of it. How you will care of yourself? For certain, you will find an additional source of the income, you will cause from the sanitary technician, you will walk on foot or you will sweep by the underground.

Having learned independently to cope with difficulties, you can find out, that your need(requirement) to see Him is not too great. With sex, certainly, it will be more complex however, it is quite possible, that it is not necessary for you so much: in fact with the help of sexual attitudes people quite often aspire to fill in emptiness in the life. The main thing - to overcome own erroneous stereotypes of thinking.

Start to restore sensation of own person. If you cannot make to a step without the partner, take courage and lead(carry out) experiment - descend without him in cafe or on a party. Try to realize during each moment of time, that to you occurs, be " here and now ", enjoying various sensations - closely consider conditions, feel a smell, taste, be concentrated on pleasant. Do not hurry up to run back to Him - in fact you so a long time there was no one, and need for a solitude - one of the strongest our needs to whom we, unfortunately, seldom pay attention.

Recollect, how you lived before his occurrence - for certain, you had the close friends, favourite affairs and hobbies. Think: what would you want to do in this life to benefit anothers? Most likely, you have got in dependence on love attitudes because felt emptiness and did not realize the creative and spiritual potential.

Now it is a high time to correct this mistake and to engage in that really is pleasant to you. Write down: what you would want to see yourself in five years? That to reach by this time? (Only do not include the attitude with Him in the list). And now in detail write, how you will move to the planned purpose. When you will begin those whom you can become your love will appreciate and respect you more. And even if He will disappear from your life his place the person will borrow much more worthy you.

Put itself on His place and look at a situation His eyes. Try to feel, what to it, when you pursue his love - for example if to ask the man constantly " you me like? " Or to supervise his each step even the most counterbalanced person eventually will come in fury, and break or quarrel will be inevitable. If you managed to present vividly His condition and to understand, in what you are wrong, time urgently has come to correct a mistake.

Do not bother it with inquiries, - whether well he has spent a maximum about what it is possible to ask, and if he will answer "yes" sincerely to be glad for him. Even if at heart at you cats, at all do not show it to Him. An output from dependent attitudes - a uneasy problem), however strong she on a shoulder.

If all this does not help you also your condition does not improve, the best output - to address to the expert - psychologist who works with a problem of love dependence. But, certainly, your inquiry should sound so: " help me to get rid of dependence ", instead of " make so that HE has remained with me for ever ". Roots of any dependence are covered in the early childhood, and that them delete, it is required long and a tough job. Only then, provided that you really want to become the free and independent person and is ready to apply on this many efforts, it is possible to predict positive result. The main thing, that is required determination and courage to you is, and we wish you in it success!


Military technics

War in Iraq has shown, that the Russian armed forces are poorly suitable for modern military conflicts
Vadim Solovjev, Michael Rastopshin
How many clean old tanks, they become more modern from it not.
One of riddles of three-week war in Iraq - Hussein's reserved fist. It almost five thousand fighting units, half from which tanks basically of the Soviet manufacture. News agencies have not transferred any message about resolute battles. Armadas of the Iraq tanks have not got in number of the American trophies. Obviously, all of them appeared a myth propagation. And propagation served as an element of the strategic defense created as experts assert" on the Soviet sample".



Let's consider some very important recommendations on development of the correct rack at a billiard table and to the reference with кием. This advice can benefit not only to the beginner who is for the first time included in the mysterious world of billiards, but also the one who already any time is under magic of green cloth, sometimes has the long-term game experience, but does not achieve appreciable successes. Sometimes such player even admits to itself inability to perfection and connects it with deficiency of talent, lack of practice or with any other reason, but only not with true, namely that it never thoughtfully studied elements of billiard game. But such player can recollect, that, not having a number of the skilled instructor, in any day for the first time has taken in hands кий and has gradually learned to address with it in itself, operating at a table approximately the same as on his supervision it was done by others and as it) was prompted with own intuition.



The first acquaintance of Europeans to tobacco as cigars has taken place in 1492 when Hristofora Columbus's expedition has reached coast of America. The first description of smoking Indians meets in notes the Cherry and Luisa de la Torresa which as it is considered, the first have seen natives with oblong convolutions from leaves and a stuffing from tobacco. It were Indians of tribe Таино, aboriginals of Cuba. And since Cuba became the basic manufacturer of tobacco, and cigars in Spain, in a place under the name Seville were braided. Manufacture of cigars has appeared in 1541, and to Europe they have got only in 1717 where before tobacco smelt or smoked only in tubes. Gradually about cigars started to learn all world, and the history of their distribution repeated a history of gains. So many began the acquaintance to them, having grasped a vessel with the strange goods, following with Cuba.



The golf is difficult for presenting without a smoking cigar, as football not without beer.
However day after day in the USA and Europe are critically reduced the public places which are not restraining the rights of fans of smoking, is especial cigars. In support of fighting spirit of rich taste of elite cigars, company Tabacalera Perdomo has let out (has released) a line of cigars Perdomo Golf line intended only for fans of elite game in a golf.
Perdomo Golf line includes 8 various sizes of cigars, from crowns (petit corona) up to cigars of the big sizes which can hold on approximately from half up to the end of a round of game. Cigars have a wrapping sheet of a grade Connecticut (Connecticut), and the core is made of tobacco brought up in Nicaragua.
The price of a cigar varies from $4.50 up to $10. As it is possible to get gift set " The Caddy " including 4 cigars Perdomo Golf, 4 spheres for a golf, and as a boat of a cigar.



To be born in a happy shirt it is given not to everyone, but to get this most “ a happy shirt ” during a life any person respecting presumes to itself, is especial if in connection with activity it is necessary to go every day in costume parade. And though only small part of this shirt is visible, she has considerable value as base статного a man's wardrobe and is coherent between a suit and a tie. The same small part at the inept reference with it can destroy an image of the serious person.

It is loudly told? Here is not present. We shall tell, you have beautiful, high quality machine, which one kind - the certificate of quality. However, for not clear reasons, "legs" of your beauty not in trunks from Bridgestone, and in tire covers, well and bandages are similar to disks - wheels of the bicyclist. Have presented reaction of associates? The same effect at them will be, if you were for work or, even worse, on a business meeting not in a habitual snow-white shirt, and in checkered or, God forbid, to a bright yellow shirt which, as well as the others, your favourite wife or mum has bought to you.

To avoid similar incidents, it is desirable, that you understood, “ that to what to put on ” and “ as where to buy ”. One of key parameters of an estimation of quality of a shirt is a fabric, from which have sewed the given element man's (and not only) a wardrobe. The best shirts are sewed from 100 % of natural materials, such as a clap(cotton), jersey, jeans or silk. However remember: except for cotton shirts in working hours about the others it is necessary to forget. In a clap the body ideally breathes in the hot summer, thus it is fast , is difficultly ironed, there are hated traces on armpits and a back. By the way, now the quantity of manufacturers of qualitative cotton shirts with the put special mix which simplifies process every day increases. More accessible under the price and more convenient shirts are made of a different parity of a clap and polyester. One of advantages of shirts with an impurity of polyester above elite 100 % cotton shirts - in riches of a palette of colors in which it is possible to paint a string. For people with a sensitive leather similar shirts are made of 50 % of a clap and 50 % of polyester, and for people with normal sensitivity - 35 % of a cotton and 65 % of polyester.

It is considered to be, that color of a shirt to a business suit should be the suit and not be evident. The most desired shirts to a business suit are shirts of light tones which are easy for combining with a tie and a suit. Most it is easy color of a shirt - white, however in a business dress-code carrying shirts of light blue, beige and grey tones is comprehensible. As in the daily form carrying a shirt in fine monophonic, but strip densely settling down to each other is comprehensible. The distance lines is considered to be no more than 6 see.

Black, bright red shirts will be looked rather strange in a business image. And shirts of color of an ivory, green, grey and yellow have propensity to emphasize painful complexion. The shirt in a cell can approach to a business suit but only in the event that a suit not in a strip, and the cell small and несильно is evident.

At a choice of a shirt in shop to be confident purchase of a shirt from Cavalli or any other well-known mark, it is possible to pay attention first of all to packing. If the shirt is placed in a box with tied up combined so, that on a back were formed, and with the goods there is a full information on the manufacturer, structure of a fabric, rules of washing, and all this is embroidered on , the given product on 90 % realy.

Before starting to be engaged in art of a combination of a shirt with a tie and a suit, it is necessary to have this shirt. And not one and not two, in fact you are not going to carry every two day the same shirt.

At a choice of a coloring of a shirt to a monophonic suit it is desirable to take into account, that in this case it is possible to choose a shirt monophonic or in a strip, and the tie unequivocally should be monophonic. And it is desirable, that the shirt was a suit and a tie and if the fabric of a shirt is cut up by strips the tie is desirable for choosing in color of strips on a shirt.

Besides a coloring of a shirt it is important to pick up that shirt which will emphasize advantages of a figure and to correct some lacks a little. With the help of correctly picked up size of a shirt, lengths of sleeves and style of a collar can be truncated visually long hands and a neck or pseudo to dump a pair of kgs and rather to refine powerful brushes of hands, adhering to a principle “ the more it is visible a cuff, the hands ” more longly seem. Experts advise to take into account, that after several washings the fabric of a shirt sits down and to avoid the short sleeves, at purchase it is necessary to choose a shirt with hardly long sleeves.

As to carrying shirts with short sleeves or compelled in a shirt with long sleeves in 35 C heat the given question is rather disputable: to put on a shirt with short sleeves work, or nevertheless to hold a trading kind? But one question has, undoubtedly, the uniform answer - with a suit in no event is impossible to put on a shirt with short sleeves.

During time we advise to choose a shirt, at which button are placed in such a manner that at a shirt set in trousers there is no risk to open a stomach because of an arrangement of the bottom buttons. In order to prevent a similar stage consults to sew in “ a dangerous zone ” an additional button.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


Round excellent worker

"the one who will go on the the new BMW in the shch-oy series, immediately will understand that we they put in his creation - passionate love for the automobile" - its creators assert. As you surely surmised, today the hero of our heading "of Test- drive to" became one of the leaders of class "E" according to the European classification - BMW of a shch-oy series of 2003 model years. Will be able we to test the same high feelings in the time of our short acquaintance with the data by automobile? The output of the new generation of popular machines by something resembles the return of associates from the work from the leave at sea - rested, tanned, rejuvenated, completely different people! Although voice them to us long ago with sign, it sounds somehow clearer, is more cheerful, and the nature, which we have long ago known from the different sides, it is manifested only with the best of them. However, the first view on the new "five" tells us, that it had time not only to tan, it is good to have a good sleep, but also to make tightening of face and small plastic operation - are so essential and radical external changes! We will hope that at least the change of floor the matter did not reach... Passions, around the new designer tendencies BMW do not cease here already 4th yr, from the onset of a flag officer of a model number - new BMW in the "-oy series. Gave to understand since then the designers and marketologi of the company repeatedly that the indignations among worshippers and adherents of the stamps, which very ambiguously took the new lines and the forms, are not collected to surrender under the strong pressure. They look forward, beyond the horizon, and the new BMW in the shch-oy series sequential to volume confirmation. It is necessary to recognize, the debut of new "five" passed noticeably more calmly, roofings user was more prepared, after experience of shock, roofings the producer more competently thought over the conclusion of novelty for the market. In all countries, where officially are delivered automobiles BMW, the presentation of new machine with the index Of e'0 began from the demonstration of the specially photographed advertising film! Dada, precisely, the film, main hero of which, as you surely surmised, became new BMW in the shch-oy series. Name of film - "Who killed the idea?" ("who it killed idea?"), just as its content they were so intricate, incomprehensible and even a little hypnotizing, that appeared to the law court of public, immediately after the end of film, the "living" automobile was encouragingly accepted under the general applause! But all disputes on the theme "it pleases itself or not" they related faster to the subject of film, than to the machine. Presentation occurred approximately one year ago, the "hypnotic" action of film had long ago been ceased, automobile already became familiar on the roads and it was evaluated by the majority of automobile publications. Yes even 4, it is necessary to recognize, in this time it had time to form its opinion about the automobile, about its appearance and technical equipment, based predominantly on the information from the press and from the people of those had the capability to travel a little on it. The possibility to verify the conclusions drawn earlier was now to me presented and possible to open something new. The first, from what my personal acquaintance with the automobile began - this acquaintance with the key of ignition, which, I will directly say, it did not strike by its originality. No unquestionably this key from the contemporary automobile, with the serious electronic filling, which manages not only the functions of signaling, but also is stored in itself service information about the concrete automobile. But, on one, let far and not most important criterion it nevertheless lose to competitors - sting on the key from BMW is fixed rigidly and it does not have the possibility to hide into tele- breloka. Trifle, you will say, it is agreeable, the torn by the sting of key pocket of pants can be sewn, and that that this key is differed in no way from key BMW in terms of 3- it series, hardly will spoil your image. However, if there would be the possibility of selection, I would nevertheless prefer key with the ejected sting. Of thoughts about the imperfect key were twirled in the head thus far I it went on the stand, on which me awaited BMW 530i black color, in the "combat coloring" of automobile for test -dra1va. As soon as I approached it and removed from the protection, my attention was switched to the automobile itself, and 4 no longer it recalled about the key. At the following moment, my view stopped at the knobs of doors. I wonderfully remembered that the door knobs of two last generations of "fives" (E34 and E39) were executed under the opposite gallant of hand, while the knobs of new machine were made under the natural. Let us say, if the machines of basic competitors - Audi and Mercedes- benzo, traditionally give preference to opposite and natural gallant, correspondingly, then something forced to change Bavarians its traditions. Is caused this by the new corporate concept of design, or specialists BMW in ergonomics as a result of long studies did come to conclusion singularly accurate for them? It is incomprehensible. Is understandable only one that the innovation this unessential, and speed does not influence, but nevertheless in the cloudy weather the owners of new machines again and will be again assigned by this question, opening machine for the dirty knobs of doors. To me it transported, my machine met me with the sparkling sides and knobs on it thus far were clean, and here weather finally was spoiled - went strong rain and I hurried to occupy its place in the machine. Rapidly pokidav its things to the rear seat, I sat down at the control. In the salon complete silence reigned, it was not audibly neither the barabanyashchego on the roof shower nor noise from the Warsaw highway find in 50 m of me, noise-isolation staggering. I included ignition, and salon was filled by the measured hum of the electrical little motors, which lower the steering column and pushing seat for tuning of previous driver. Key to the start! The sound, which accompanied flat and rapid engine starting at first seemed by the artificial forgery, analogous to the fact that accompany the photographs to the digital cameras, but having a little "begun" on the outdoor pedal of gas I it rapidly scattered its fears - sound present, Bavarian origin! Thus far machine was warmed thoroughly, I decided to be arranged poudobneye and approached the study of control elements. First of all I started to regulate seat - at first blindly, however, after being tangled in the abundance of buttons, I it nevertheless opened door it glanced by fleeting glance the block of adjustments. It is similar, is close that day, when for similar devices they begin to make separate instructions, pages it is such to 20. This circumstance only gladdens me, because the range of the adjustments of seat is so wide that 4 I could ensure to itself simply ideal landing! Big enough role in this the possibility of a separate change of the angle of the slope of the back of seat in its upper part played. Control algorithm of the joystick, which corresponds for the displacement of the steering column in 2- X planes proved to be where simpler, so that instruction was not required for its adjustment! It is not difficult to surmise, that, both splendid the seats described above and many other conveniences, which deserve separate attention, relate to the special features of the assembly of this concrete machine - BMW 530i Luxury. Is certain, first of all, this the three-liter engine with the power of 231 hp and 6- TI stepped automatic gearbox with the possibility of manual switching. Active steering control (AFS), system of a decrease is bank in the turnings - Dynamic Drive, 18- TI one inch light-alloy disks, cruise- control, system of adaptive lighting of turnings and much other; also they enter into the rich list of the equipment of this modification. It is necessary whether to indicate that by 8-6h pillows of safety, by controller iDrive, by systems ABS, DSC and DTC (DSC and DTC - the systems of the dynamic of the control of stability and adjustment of thrust), by conditioner, by the sensor of rain and with other options, inherent in the automobile of this rank, all "fives" are equipped already "in the base". Separately, for a number of reasons, it is worthwhile to stop at system iDrive. First, into the sign of respect, indeed precisely company BMW of the first in the world used a similar interface on the series automobile - new "-ke BMW, after marking thus the beginning of new era in the region control of the intensively expanding options and services in the contemporary automobiles. In the second place, new five is equipped with the following generation of this system, which was naturally improved, on the basis of deficiencies in those revealed in the first generation. Changes touched the screen of system, which became noticeably more brightly with any conditions of illumination, and also the joystick of control - now it is moved in 5- TI directions, it is earlier instead of 9- TI, and to it is added the additional button "Menu", which simplified recovery into the previous menu. To use that renovated iDrive'om it began somewhat more simply, although about intuitive control it does not be necessary nevertheless to speak. Moreover by fault to that not screen or control knob of system, but the logic of menu - iron German logic, to understand which in motion in me was obtained not always; therefore sometimes it was necessary to completely stop in order to change radio station or to adjust the air flow. Certainly this matter of habit; therefore convenience in use iDrive'om will adequately to judge be able only men passed in the machine not of one thousand kilometers.


Nightmare D4

It purchased new in the auto-salon Of avensis 2.0 D4 2005 g.v., assembly R2 - zel. metal, zhelatya the skin, xenon, seat electrical, R17. All owners of new avensisov know - rag salon G... o! (on version 1.8 - only such of!!!). Here and took kozhannyy! But the engine of 2 liters. With the path of 5 000 km increased the expenditure from 11.2 to 41.2 L/y00 km (along on-board computer)! The valyl is black smoke with the starting! In the service they said - poor gasoline - to consume, to wash injector and to change spark plugs and filter. Everything except spark plugs was replaced. It were repaired only on AZS Of lUkoyl from NPZ. TO 10 000 changed oil, filter air and so forth on 12 000 km burned-out xenon lamp! By 17 000 km the machine ceased to be started to the hot - you turn by starter it is brought and immediately it dies away - 5 -10 min. it is necessary to await. Arrived to the service of ppomenyali filter fuel, spark plug (platinum 3 electrode), they washed injector - all they gathered revolutions 1200 - they say now engine it is optimized by ok! It went home, it pulls better much! It drove away to 160 km/h, it arrived and... more motor was not brought. Sum - replacement OF TNVD (D4), sprayers. It sold for 23 000 dol.. It purchased to Maxim 3.0 2005 after restaylinga and it was not contented as locomotive! And even in friend RX350 - the path of 7 000 km the expenditure of 27 l. on bortkomp'yuetru - I tell it necessary to sell! And even about rubber - Dunlop SP9000 and Bridzhstoun Potenza S03 - GOVNO! (experience of operating different machines) into the rain not tyuey derzhut generally (worse Dunlop), better than Nokian NRVi and Pirelli P Zero. All of success do not read custom-made articles which they write dealers themselves, but that also you will fall!


Grand cheroki ZJ

Want to express my opinion about the grand cheroki ZJ(1992-1998gg).Ezju on them relative to a little- entire 5 to let.Pervym was Loredo of y992g.v.Dostalsya with the ideal body, moreover bought it in the auto-salon for 'shch00dollarov.V the presence was the burnt down exhaust collector and gudyashchiy benzonasos.Bol'she of any serious deficiencies not bylo.Koye that made on melocham.Ni for time nowhere not vstaval.Nalichiye 242 RK it made possible to drive rather well on the snow and bezdorozh'yu.Odnako rear axle was without the blocked differential, that in mud sodavalo some problems. Then on the acquaintance acquired grandee y998g.Nado to say that body in the previous automobile was not worse than in new, but in new in the rear axle costs blokirovka.Sravniv as it behaves machine with the blocking rear d. and without the same, I will say unambiguous- with the presence of proper blocking much better. As a whole the machine very comfortable, is suitable well for a productive leisure (trip for gorod), trips to dachu.Dlya of a constant ride around the city to Moscow, from its probkami(i by the expenditure of gasoline respectively) and by the problems of parking, grandee, I count, not best to variant.Sam 4 around the city to ezzhu is small, in essence for the city to rest -hence and this selection. Successes on the roads!


Splendid "seven"

BMW 74п - during the more than semiannual history test -dra1vov on AUTO.RU is perhaps most representative and is very by road, from the number of those that they was. According to tradition, all new models of Bavarian concern alternately produce either evolution or revolution, with respect to the predecessor. Present "seven" produced revolution. Moreover not only external, aesthetical, but also internal - technical. Made of the special construction of a new 7- series, first of all it is worthwhile to note: engine with system Valvetronic, control system of the auxiliary functions i -Drive, the stabilizers of lateral stability, with the hydraulic system which makes it possible to decrease the banks of body in the turnings. i -Drive - these are separate conversation and the various plump booklet of the description of all functions of this system, which will obtain men ready to lay out $100 thousand for this automobile. "revolutionary" changes are noticeable immediately. The design of new flag officer ambiguously perceived even the larger worshippers BMW. automobile it produced furore. Someone indicates that the automobile is extraordinarily beautiful, some vice versa scold German designers. But all focus attention. This for so serious an automobile is complicated to say well. After foregoing the aggressiveness of the characteristic of Bavarian machines "seven" it became more solid and more massive. The line of baggage carrier is made dual. According to the intention of creators, this solution made it possible to facilitate the line of the silhouette (large automobile difficult to make visually a lung), in this case to attain grow prettier aerodynamics (because of the high boot-lid, airflow it flows nonseparably, also, without the turbulence). "heavy", "tankoobraznyy" such epithets would arrive to me to the mind, if me they asked to describe appearance "briefly". Optics - is separate conversation. She only emphasizes that state aboved. The uncommon form of "povorotniki", placed above the head headlights, they are similar on the eyebrow, and biksenonovye lamps themselves - this sharp-sighted eyes, eyes, i.chpodlob'ya tracking after proceeding. The rear illumination engineering, which consists of an enormous quantity of light-emitting diodes, it emphasizes general stilistku of automobile. In the interior 7- series is felt entire the same solidity. The shirochennaya strip of wooden lead seems by one-piece log. Enormous sizes the panel of instruments, the spacious salon, calculated for 4 personas, large knobs and units of keys. However, as far as equipment and accessible functions for the passengers and driver are concerned, their list can be continued infinitely. What stands only it stands the system i mentioned above, the complete motorization of all mechanisms - mirror, seats, glass, shutters, steering column, doors and so on. We found not one power drive in this machine, automated absolutely everything, except the hook of the opening of cowling, but however at the owner of this machine is unfit under it and to glance. In the salon 5 people can be placed very comfortably, but is nevertheless originally it is calculated on the 4th, and even not person, but personas! Each landing place possesses its own system for control of microclimate, shirochennym range of adjustments on a height, the length, the inclination of back and head rest, by electric-warming and by ventilation system, and massage is provided for the front seats. Rear passengers can be hidden from the outside eyes behind the sliding shutters and after glancing into the refrigerator, established after the central elbow-rest, to reach from there bottle with the cooling beverage. In the ceiling, besides the lamps of the illumination of salon is build it even folding mirror. In the machine there are immediately two tubes of the cell phone, which works in standard GSM. In front to sit more interestingly, here there is no only refrigerator, but it is possible to be lost with different functions of system i -Drive (to dispose the parameters of radio, D -ple1era, climatic installation and d.t.). Unfortunately one of the basic functions i -Drive - navigation system, in the territory of Russia thus far does not work. Besides radio-tube it is possible to use system hands free, controlled with the aid of the keys on the control or on the sliding keyboard. For the small things are from the front provided the large locked boxing between the seats, large pockets in the doors, small drawer on the central console and small of bardachok. Is so provided place for D -cendjera for 6 disks. The range of longitudinal adjustment, is such, that if we move aside ourselves to the support back, then the inhabitants of the rear seat will be are forced to gather feet, not worse than in the automobile of compact class. In this case from the front, even very tall person will not reach by feet to the front wall. The perception of machine sharply changes, when automobile is touched. If in the statics you turn attention to the cut by longitudinal lines baggage carrier and other fine details, then in the motion solidity becomes noticeable. After finishing with the inspection of salon, it is possible for the control. But where key, is only pendant of control of central lock. Here, to the right of control cut. We put pendant, and, by any side. We press button Start/Stop. But as the answer silence. In order to neglect engine necessary to harvest to the brake. Attempt N2 succeeded, on the salon nursed easy vibration and utikhla. The work of motor can be judged only from instruments. On the scale of tachometer from 4000 r/min and further burns the yellow strip, which speaks, that until the motor is thoroughly heated, and to strongly untwist engine does not stand. Therefore thus far let us go without hurrying, slowly. By customary motion we transfer hand from the control to the selector of automatic KPP. That such, it freely moves in all directions, on top of that and it twists itself?! Answer is simple - this the joystick of system i -Drive - again one attempt did not be sufficient. With the second - we reveal that the lever of control of "automaton" moved to the steering column, almost as in "Americans", only with the German accent. That to include regime Drive, small lever it is necessary to stretch to itself and to lower. The low gear was included with the light push, lever independently returned to the initial position. About all manipulations the plain and readable diagram in the center of the combination of instruments informs. We release brake and, against the miracle, any zamorochek, automobile smoothly was touched. Along the familiar road, where to the pain is learned each shovchik, "seven" will go, without noting them. Unevennesses on are more largely transferred to the body by lungs push. Suspension is very comfortable. Speed is collected not noticeably, with the exponential acceleration the "automaton" is thrown to the following transfer, hardly motor will reach 2000 r/min. In the salon silence. Increasingly from the tachometer of propala "limiting" strip, motor it is thoroughly heated and prepared for the battle. From the sequential light signal, we press soft, not not very informative the apparitor of gas to the support. But as the answer the already become today customary silence. It is smooth, without the excess hurry and the fuss, but completely assured motor begins to collect revolutions, but it was not there, under the wheels wet and places slippery asphalt. Omnipresent electronics, pritormoziv one skidding wheel, mercilessly suffocates the moshchneyshuyu Bavarian "eight". Even with the shirochennymi winter tires, at the first moment we lose start by front-wheel-drive otechestvenym to vases. But then with an increase in the velocity the missed time it is easy to make up. We are taken away forward with solid bass. Against the background of excellent noise-isolation, the sound of motor prevails. Turnings BMW are passed, with the merit of true Aryan, stably holding in control the banks of heavy body. If we pass the limit of the coupling properties of tires, and and not informative control to make this is easy with very the lung, as with the acceleration, electronics will make entire itself. The sharp turn. It is slippery. Speed clearly exceeds maximum permissible. Having a little slid down outside, it turns machine by jerk, transposing stern in the necessary direction, that to extinguish the possible rocking, pridushivayetsya the engine. It is now necessary to only in time return control to the rectilinear position. And everything. But indeed are earlier, even predstavitel'skiye BMW, they presented how automobiles for the driver. There remains only to revolve in the necessary direction control, yes to command the pedals, when to be accelerated, and when to impede. One pleasure - possibility of manual control of six-stage "automaton" Steptronic (first series automatic transmission in by six transfers). Besides, auxiliary keys, on the control there are 4 buttons (two for each hand). Switching is downward achieved by keys on the outer side of steering wheel, and upward it is possible to pass, by pushing of knob from the back side of control. Information about the switch oned transfer to be derived in the separate small window in the very center of the panel of instruments. Powerful 4,5- liter motor and clever "automaton" makes it possible to impede well by engine and confidently to be accelerated on any transfer.

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