Sunday, November 26, 2006


Manufacture of a mirror bar

I bring to your attention a way of manufacture of a mirror bar for painting and decorating...

One time we were engaged in furnish of premises(rooms). And somehow time to us has addressed one customer with imagination and has ordered furnish of a wall and a ceiling a smooth surface. We have visited on a factory on manufacture of a glass, came into mirror shop (it was easier to go on territory earlier), have bought mirrors, have communicated to workers, have observed manufacture and have understood, that we can quite engage in it and.

Above this project on manufacture of a mirror bar we worked in the beginning of the ninetieth years and did not know the equal account anything about manufacture of the given kind of a product, except for one - we have been convinced, that it will have demand and, finally, - were not mistaken.

It has been spent a lot of time for studying of experience of the profile enterprises and working off of all work cycle. We have developed all necessary equipment and have collected independently though all is possible and to buy. Now this manufacture any more is not our basic employment but till now is profitable and brings quite good incomes (profit 3500-5000 $ in a month depending on demand), even with the account enough high wages of the personnel.

How to make such bar?
All process consists that it is necessary to buy ready mirror sheets or a mirror breakage, or to master independently drawing of a mirror layer on glass. To decide to you. Further it is necessary to cut the got raw material on bars of the necessary size (150 х 150, etc.). To process edges of a cut on a circle and for addition, if necessary, to put or fill figure. That's all. Profitability can be finished easily with 100 % and is higher due to an operational experience. And to increase volumes of manufacture, using the special equipment. We copied the technology used at factories on manufacture of mirrors. But, certainly it was necessary to adapt seen for small business and in view of use of accessible materials for manufacturing the equipment. Are convinced, that this kind of activity is accessible to anyone.

What is required for manufacture?
For cutting mirrors the table and is required. For processing the parties of a ready bar it is necessary a circle (better - the machine tool). And the compressor is necessary for stuffing figure on 2-3 A.Risunok jams due to submission of sand under pressure upon a surface flew down. For this purpose the cliche (the piece of linoleum will approach also) is made. It is possible, certainly, and to manage a paint, but nevertheless filled figure more gracefully looks. For the compressor we tried even the compressor from an industrial refrigerator, to get which more cheaply, and have been satisfied with work, the truth, with it to reach high efficiency more difficultly.

Productivity of work
Millions here, certainly, you will not earn, but to provide to yourself own business quite probably. I firstly made ONE a month of such bar prior to 150 sq.m. Then us invited to issue a room our production, that else additional paid work. I do not know, what prices at you, but I buy mirrors on 350-400 roubles for sq.m. and I sell a bar for 750-800 roubles for sq.m. Here also consider. Not I have thought up the price - such is generated by the market.

Production, certainly, not from cheap, but on it is the buyer. And even people with an average prosperity willingly order on 1,5-2 sq.m. for bathrooms. The mirror is expanded in general with volume of a premise and a strip along a bath from such bar does(makes) fine design.

Where such bar is applied?
It buy for furnish of bathrooms, businessmen order for furnish of trading halls, show-windows, foyer of buildings, etc. Works will be, since the design of a premise becomes really original, besides order not only a bar, and frequently and ask to issue a premise that is pay also for work.

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