Thursday, December 21, 2006


Double Mitsubishi EVO X with frizione?

A how much seems, soon not will be only Volkswagen to propose the change to double clutch; between first imitating this - effective - technical solution will be in fact Mitsubishi, that it means to realize one tramissione to 6 marce similar to the DSG for next EVO X. In effects solution VW, developed inner to the group, seemed to have one risen of monopoly, in particular for possession of some specific licences; it seems however that trasmisisone the Mitsubishi has been planned with the aid of an external company, and that, suppur based on the same principle, it is different from that "German". In any case, the new one semi-automatic change to double clutch would have to guarantee the necessary robustness in order to tame to brace and power (beyond 300 cv) of new EVO X, available but also with more traditional 6 marce manual

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