Saturday, December 16, 2006


Morgan "decidedly more continental" Aero8 III° serie.

europeisticamente speaking, of the cars normally produced from the small it marks handicraft English. It goes naturally

observed that Morgan, between the British houses, is one of the companies more known (and more long-lived); strongly it is

implied, therefore, in the phenomenon of "evolution" of the tastes and the needs of i consumers of automobiles, therefore

careful (at least more than others) to the design, the ergonomics, the habitability, to the reliability and all that ocean

of fundamental characteristics that serve for the resolution of a good product (also, if, to onor of the true one, sure cars

are "good" only thanks to throbbing campaigns of Marketing!). After historical the 4/4, 4 Plus and 8 Plus today the main

product of the range Morgan calls Air 8, car that ripropone in strongly futuristica key, the stilistici concepts of its

progenitrici; in key perhaps a po' excessive, at least to to judge from how many if of it they see in Italy (I, I must still

have the pleasure to meet of one outside from a hall!). Air 8 arrives to its third series: more comfortable, better it is

rifinita, better equipped (climatizzatore improved, possibility to acquire accessories in skin the Schedoni, already

supplying Ferrari etc.) still more aerodynamics.

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