Wednesday, February 07, 2007
China develops its samples close personal if there are three things, it it is possible or to be convinced in the future, they that they follow: they will burden us, we will die, and see new Chinese stamps of the car during the four following years. Found this by interesting that one SAIC that the corporation of the engine controlled by the state, which it partner with VW and the GM in China, is nachinat' (zapuskat preparation ') its that clean of the stamp conveys. The new firm sample does not miss however, but make already the first trajectory, contornear by 600.000 per 2010. In the final analysis, they project to oscillate more than 2 million cars for the year of the korotko (vskore) after that, and will have probably sure need razmyshlenii (vzglyadakh) for architectures of the stamp. SAIC will use technology, bought magnesium of Rovera to make the cars new. Observe this mesto (kosmos), because without importing the fact the fact that the mark of introduced factory SAIC, it is sure to be the conqueror.