Friday, February 02, 2007
It is very important
It is very important: 1. assume itself by such, such as you exists. 2. assume itself by such, such as you want to be. 3. find positive changes every time that you can make this. 4. you will fall in love with your means, your image: its body, manner to look, to move, to dress, to walk, to dance, to speak, to laugh, to cry. 5. respect your body, your life and your selection in this life. 6. you be "positive" they are selfish ": you love itself not more, but also not less than other people, realizing in this case, that you - man "only in its kind", another similar no on the earth. 7. respect your time: time - this is life. 8. permit itself to be such, such as exists. You bear responsibility for that in order to make yourselves happy. 9. you learn to make decisions and to personify them into the life. 10. Do not await, which someone will return to you your self-esteem. Only you themselves can this manage!