Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Plane, trains, and Cliffriders? Cliffrider new Tata by the engines was recemmentrecentement neglected in the demonstration of the engine of Geneva. This is described in the recent station in Autoblog like "means of the transport of the mul' tiservisnoye". I think that "MUV" which tries to be all each one. Confusion in the nazvaniyu resembles itself, there will be universal scorn in the blogoshpere for the car of the company, (imeni) Cliffrider, and with the jokes on the "impetuous tatas". Tata - nazvaniye (imya) eponymous of the founder of the company, Sir of the dzhamsheddzhi of the tata, and the engines of the tata - the group conveys larger than India. I think that Cliffrider sample firm is missed, but it there has not justification what stops the mark of Cliffrider factory, which must be one of the worst of sometimes for the car, with the chancellor of the proton. The cars, because it is assumed, will not go in the rocks, including the cars drying of ponyatiya (kontseptsii). Although India - secondly ekonomika (ekonomiya) quickly each time larger in the world after China, when this one is able to print designation, companies of the aspect in India still in the young designation of the stage