Thursday, March 29, 2007
From new patent Google:
From new patent Google:
Group of six experts Google have in detail outlined a circle of factors, it is positive and negatively influencing on high ranging блогов as a result of search.
Positive for blog are:
• references on blog in others блогроллах;
• references on blog from other sites which are not blogs;
• use tegs for categorizashion a content;
• PageRank;
• quantity(amount) of subscribers on RSS blog;
• quantity(amount) of transitions from pages of results of search, etc.
Negatively the following factors influence:
• the publication of posts through short time intervals with a precise interval;
• the content блога differs from maintenance(contents) RSS;
• the raised(increased) maintenance(contents) of key words which are considered "spam";
• a plenty of a duplicated content;
• identical or nearly so the identical size of posts;
• references to the same site in many posts;
• a plenty of advertising blocks, banners and their arrangement, etc.
Group of six experts Google have in detail outlined a circle of factors, it is positive and negatively influencing on high ranging блогов as a result of search.
Positive for blog are:
• references on blog in others блогроллах;
• references on blog from other sites which are not blogs;
• use tegs for categorizashion a content;
• PageRank;
• quantity(amount) of subscribers on RSS blog;
• quantity(amount) of transitions from pages of results of search, etc.
Negatively the following factors influence:
• the publication of posts through short time intervals with a precise interval;
• the content блога differs from maintenance(contents) RSS;
• the raised(increased) maintenance(contents) of key words which are considered "spam";
• a plenty of a duplicated content;
• identical or nearly so the identical size of posts;
• references to the same site in many posts;
• a plenty of advertising blocks, banners and their arrangement, etc.